Purr Planet


Chapter 1 the lonely cat

Downtown in New Hampshire there was a lonely cat who was very smart. The cat had no name. He caused lots of trouble. One day the cat went to a walk in the forest.


Chapter 2 the bright light

After 2 hours the cat saw a bright light in the sky. It lasted about 7 minuets. The bright light disappeared and the cat saw a paw print.


Chapter 3 the space ship

The cat looked on the ground, he saw a spaceship.  He read the words: C A T M O B I L E.  He got inside, he pressed go.  Zoom, zam, loop de loo, finally CRASH!  He landed on the paw print, he got out.  He was on an island, he got back in the cat mobile, he pressed car, the cat mobile turned into a cat car.  He drove the car down a bridge, he made it to a giant building.  He read the words:

T O W N H A L L.  He went inside and said I would like to buy a house.  The person at the desk turned around, he turned out to be a cat.


Chapter 4 the new house

The cat at the desk said, “Can I help you?”  The other cat said, “I  WOULD LIKE TO BUY A HOUSE!”  The cat at the desk said you may buy a house but you have to answer one question to not pay.  What is 6 6 ?  Simple said the cat, the cat said “12.”  The cat at the desk said now your house is free showing him a map.  Pick it said the cat at the desk.  I’ll have this one, pointing to a house.  The cat at the desk drove him there.  The cat said WOW!





Chapter 5 cranberry street

The cat drove to the furniture store but before he went there, he stopped.  He read the street sign, it said: Cranberry St.  He drove down the lane and stopped at a mailbox, he read it: Brendan S., he thought he knew that name.  He rang the doorbell.  Brendan S. opened the door and he yelled GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!  The cat ran down the driveway, he did a cartwheel by slipping.  He jumped into the door of the car.  He said to himself, that wasn’t the Brendan I knew.  He drove down to the next house, he read its mailbox. 


Chapter 6 friends forever

He rang its doorbell, the cat opened the door.  “It’s you,” they both cried.  “Come on in,” said the cat.  “Don’t mind if I do,” said the other cat.  They went inside, it was amazing.  It looked like the cat’s old house, they stayed for 5 hours.  The cat said, “It’s getting late now, I better be getting home.  Well, I mean the furniture store.” 


Chapter 7 the lava monsters

The cat bought lots of furniture.  On his way house he found a dungeon floating on a cloud.  He skipped home, he drove right toward it.  He found a door and went inside it.  He found lava monsters sitting on these chairs near a fireplace.   They were drinking hot cocoa.  A cat went inside, tip toe, tip toe, he found this weird looking piece of furniture.  There was a handle, he turned the handle.  There were lighting bursts everywhere, it was actually landed on a lava monster.  The other monster said, “what you doing with my shrinky dinker 6000?”  The cat said nothing and ran out of the door and slammed it.  The lava monster chased after him.  The cat got in its car, the lava monster almost got in the car too but the cat closed the door.  The door hit the lava monster in the face, he fell down.